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Serving Size : Two Large Bowls INGREDIENTS 1/2 Cup Frozen Strawberries 1/2 Cup Frozen Blackberries 1/2 Cup Greek Yogurt of your choosing 1/2 Cup Milk or Clementine Juice 1 Scoop Super Elixer Nourishing Protein Powder 1 Teaspoon Super Elixer Alkalizing Powder 1 Dragonfruit In your blender place all above ingredients and blend together until smooth. Place smoothie mix in two bowls and place in the freezer until you are ready to place the toppings. Slice up the dragonfruit in whatever shape you want! Or follow the same star shapes that I did in mine above. When you are ready to start placing your toppings pull out the smoothie bowls and decorate your bowl in a fun and creative way! Enjoy!